Which route to you operate?
We operate along Harare - Victoria Falls route. This includes Chegutu, Kadoma, Kwekwe, Gweru, Bulawayo, Lupane and Hwange. You can get the departure times from the booking portal or Whatsapp bot.
Are your scheduled departure times specific?

Yes, all our scheduled times are specific. Buses take off at the scheduled depature time. Passenengers must check-in 30 minutes before the scheduled departure time.

Can I change my schedule?

Yes, you can change the departure time or date provided that you communicate at least an hour before the initially booked departure time. All reschedules will be subject to a fee of US$3.

What happens if I miss my schedule?
If you miss your schedule, you may be rescheduled to the next available bus, but this is not guaranteed. If approved, you will also be required to pay a rebooking fee of $3.


How can we book for a seat?

We have different ways that you can use to book. We strongly recommend that you book for your seat online via the self-service booking platform. You can also book for at seat at our offices and agents. For contact details, check out the contact page. Alternatively, you can simply pay on the bus, but this method comes without any guarantees for seat availability.

Can I book for someone in another city?

Yes, you can book on behalf of someone who is in a different town or city. The best way is to book online. However, you can also visit our offices or agents in Harare, Gweru, Bulawayo, Hwange or Victoria Falls to process the booking.

Can I cancel my booking?

You can cancel your ticket if you inform us at least an hour before your scheduled departure time. Tickets that are cancelled and need to be refunded are subject to a 10% cancellation fee minimum of $3.00. Cancellations done after the departure time will be refunded provided cancellation is due to death or hospitalization of the person in whose name the ticket has been issued and is subject to a 10% cancellation fee.

How do I cancel my booking?

You can cancel your booking by requesting the cancellation over the phone, on WhatsApp, or by visiting our offices. If you have booked online, there is an additional option of requesting for cancellation on the self-service platform.


What payment methods do you support?
We support all major currencies and payment methods. You can pay in cash at our offices or at the bus, if not fully booked. You can pay online using credit//debit cards. You can swipe at our offices. We also support Ecocash, Innbucks, EFT (Rands), ZIPIT and Bank Transfers.
Can I pay on the bus?
Yes, you can pay on the bus using cash (ZiG, USD, ZAR), or using Ecocash (ZiG, USD). However, this is subject to seat availability. We strongly advise those travelling to book online or at our offices before the scheduled departure time
Can I request for a refund?
Yes, you can request for a refund provide you cancel your ticket at least an hour before the intended departure time. All ticket cancellations will be subject to a cancellation fee of US$3 or the equivalent in the preferred currency.
Do children pay?
All children aged 4 years and above are required to pay for the standard fare for that route. We do not offer discounts for child-occupied seats. However, any child below 4 years does not pay if they do not occupy a seat. They may later occupy empty seats if they become available.


How much do I pay for luggage?
All standard carry-on luggage is transported for free. However, excess luggage is charged on a case-by-case basis depending with the quantity, size and weight of the luggage.
Do you offer discounts?
We do not offer discounts everytime, but sometimes we provide our loyal customers with promotional coupons. These promotions are carried out on an ad hoc basis and we strive to notify all customers when such promotions are running.
Can I just send parcels without travelling?
Yes, we provide a courier service which allows anyone to simply send parcels of any size to recepients between Harare and Victoria Falls. The cost varies depending on the size, weight and number of parcels.
Can I hire your buses?
Yes, you can hire Extracity buses to and from any destination. The specific costs for the hiring service depends with the distance and whether it will be a stay-on hiring service or not. Contact our accounts team to get a customised and cost-friendly quotation.